這次"穿過劇場的精靈"影展新竹場我沒有去看,倒是看了影展前一天影博館放映的《穿過黑暗的玻璃》(Såsom i en spegel-1961)。柏格曼1961年的經典作品,不過是LD放映,畫質差,翻譯看來問題也很多,雖然大致通順,但總是在關鍵台詞看不懂是什麼意思。
比如說在結尾,父親和兒子間說了那一大段關於對上帝信仰的爭論,以下在imdb找到的英文翻譯(需註冊會員)看起來意思就通順清楚許多。像reality was revealed這意思中文就講得不清不楚,"God is all over Karin. We love her so much. "這句也沒翻對,尤其最後一句"Dad talked to me"被翻成"父親說的對"之類的意思。不過英文也不是原文,到底這段話,這整部電影是什麼意思呢?
Minus - Father, I'm scared. (pause) When I was hugging Karin in the boat, reality was revealed. Do you know what I mean?
David - I do.
Minus - Reality was revealed, and I colapsed. It's like a dream. Anything can happen. Anything.
David - I know.
Minus - I can't live in this new world.
David - Yes, you can. But you must have a support.
Minus - What kind of support? You mean a God? Give me a proof of his existance. You can't.
David - I can. But you gotta pay attention to what I say.
Minus - Yes, I need to listen.
David - I can only tell you a thought of my own hopes. It is to know that love exists for real in the human world.
Minus - A sort of special love, I suppose?
David - All kinds of it. The bigger and the smaller, the most absurd one and the most sublime one. All kinds of love.
Minus - What about the desire for love?
David - Desire and denying. Trust and distrust.
Minus - Then love is the proof?
David - I don't know if love is the proof of God's existance or if it's God itself.
Minus - To you, love and God are the same thing.
David - That thought makes me feel less empty; Makes my desperation less worse.
Minus - Go on, dad.
David - All of a sudden, emptyness turns into abundance, and desperation turns into life. It's like a temporary death's sentence strike.
Minus - Dad... if it's like how you say it is, then God is all over Karin. We love her so much.
David - Yes.
Minus - Can't that help her?
David - I think so.
Minus - Dad... do you mind if I go for a run?
David - You can go. I'll prepare dinner. See you in an hour. (leaves)
Minus - Dad talked to me.
比如說在結尾,父親和兒子間說了那一大段關於對上帝信仰的爭論,以下在imdb找到的英文翻譯(需註冊會員)看起來意思就通順清楚許多。像reality was revealed這意思中文就講得不清不楚,"God is all over Karin. We love her so much. "這句也沒翻對,尤其最後一句"Dad talked to me"被翻成"父親說的對"之類的意思。不過英文也不是原文,到底這段話,這整部電影是什麼意思呢?
Minus - Father, I'm scared. (pause) When I was hugging Karin in the boat, reality was revealed. Do you know what I mean?
David - I do.
Minus - Reality was revealed, and I colapsed. It's like a dream. Anything can happen. Anything.
David - I know.
Minus - I can't live in this new world.
David - Yes, you can. But you must have a support.
Minus - What kind of support? You mean a God? Give me a proof of his existance. You can't.
David - I can. But you gotta pay attention to what I say.
Minus - Yes, I need to listen.
David - I can only tell you a thought of my own hopes. It is to know that love exists for real in the human world.
Minus - A sort of special love, I suppose?
David - All kinds of it. The bigger and the smaller, the most absurd one and the most sublime one. All kinds of love.
Minus - What about the desire for love?
David - Desire and denying. Trust and distrust.
Minus - Then love is the proof?
David - I don't know if love is the proof of God's existance or if it's God itself.
Minus - To you, love and God are the same thing.
David - That thought makes me feel less empty; Makes my desperation less worse.
Minus - Go on, dad.
David - All of a sudden, emptyness turns into abundance, and desperation turns into life. It's like a temporary death's sentence strike.
Minus - Dad... if it's like how you say it is, then God is all over Karin. We love her so much.
David - Yes.
Minus - Can't that help her?
David - I think so.
Minus - Dad... do you mind if I go for a run?
David - You can go. I'll prepare dinner. See you in an hour. (leaves)
Minus - Dad talked to me.