01 | 01/01 | La Perdición de los hombres(The Ruination of Men)(男人怎麼墮怎麼落)(2000) |
02 | 01/01 | Profundo carmesí (Deep Crimson)(深深腥紅)(1996) |
03 | 01/01 | Así es la vida (Such Is Life)(生活如是)(2000) |
04 | 01/04 | Bednyy, bednyy Pavel(Poor, Poor Pavel)(哭泣的沙皇)(2003) |
05 | 01/06 | La Meglio gioventù(The Best of Youth)(燦爛時光)(2003) |
06 | 01/06 | Caché(Hidden) (隱藏攝影機)(2005) |
07 | 01/07 | Donskaya povest(The Don Story)(靜靜頓河水流年)(1964) |
08 | 01/07 | Sudba cheloveka(Destiny of A Man)(命中註定)(1959) |
09 | 01/08 | Tini zabutykh predkiv(Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors)(被遺忘祖先的影子)(1964) |
10 | 01/08 | Ashugi Qaribi(The Hoary Legends of the Caucasus)(吟遊詩人)(1988) |
11 | 01/12 | Krasnoye Yabloko(The Red Apple)(給我一顆紅蘋果)(1975) |
12 | 01/14 | Pervyy uchitel (The First Teacher)(革命鮮師)(1965) |
13 | 01/14 | 同命鴛鴦(1960)(朱石麟導) |
14 | 01/14 | Tsisperi mtebi anu arachveulebrivi ambavi(Blue Mountains)(藍山)(1984) |
15 | 01/15 | Monanieba(Repentance)(懺悔)(1984,1987) |
16 | 01/15 | Sayat Nova(Color of Pomegranate)(石榴的顏色)(1968) |
17 | 01/21 | Cinderella Man(最後一擊)(2005)[DVD] |
18 | 01/22 | Brokeback Mountain(斷背山)(2005) |
19 | 01/29 | The Island(絕地再生)(2005)[DVD] |
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20 | 02/02 | Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story(鐵男躲避球)(2004)[DVD] |
21 | 02/02 | Against The Ropes(奮力一擊)(2004)[TV](部份) |
22 | 02/03 | The Buried Secret of M. Night Shyamalan(沙馬蘭隱藏的秘密)(2004)[TV](部份) |
23 | 02/03 | Funny About Love (愛情一籮筐) (1990)[TV](部份) |
24 | 02/05 | Pride & Prejudice(傲慢與偏見)(2005) |
25 | 02/15 | Walk the Line(為你鍾情)(2005) |
26 | 02/26 | Upside of Anger(愛你愛到快抓狂)(2005) [DVD] |
27 | 02/28 | Lord Of War (軍火之王)(2005) [DVD] |
28 | 02/28 | Bewitched (神仙家庭)(2005) [DVD] |
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29 | 03/05 | Munich (幕尼黑)(2005) |
30 | 03/11 | A Histroy of Violence (暴力效應)(2005) |
31 | 03/16 | Match Point (愛情決勝點)(2005) |
32 | 03/17 | The 40 Year Old Virgin (40處男)(2005)[DVD] |
33 | 03/18 | Un long dimanche de fiançailles (A Very Long Engagement)(未婚妻的漫長等待)(2004)[DVD] |
34 | 03/20 | Wallace & Gromit in The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (酷狗寶貝之魔兔詛咒)(2005)[DVD] |
35 | 03/22 | Shaun of The Dead (活人甡吃)(2004)[DVD] |
36 | 03/25 | いま、会いにゆきます(現在,很想見你)(2004)[DVD] |
37 | 03/25 | The Polar Express(北極特快車)(2004)[DVD] |
38 | 03/25 | Thirteen Conversations About One Thing (命運的十三個交叉口)(2001)[DVD] |
39 | 03/26 | The Jacket (顫慄時空)(2005)[DVD] |
40 | 03/26 | Spanglish (真情快譯通)(2004)[DVD] |
41 | 03/28 | Man On Fire (火線救援)(2004)[DVD] |
42 | 03/29 | Proof (證明我愛你)(2005)[DVD] |
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43 | 04/01 | Born Into Brothels: Calcutta's Red Light Kids (小小攝影師的異想世界)(2004) |
44 | 04/01 | Nochnoi Dozor(Night Watch)(決戰夜)(2004)[DVD] |
45 | 04/02 | Oliver Twist(孤雛淚)(2005)[DVD] |
46 | 04/03 | Crash (衝擊效應)(2005)[DVD] |
47 | 04/05 | Flightplan (空中危機)(2005)[DVD] |
48 | 04/07 | Inside Man (臥底)(2006) |
49 | 04/08 | De battre mon coeur s'est arrêté (The Beat That My Heart Skipped)(我心遺忘的節奏)(2005) |
50 | 04/09 | The Squid and the Whale (親情難捨)(2005)[DVD] |
51 | 04/10 | Assault on Precinct 13 (殲滅13區)(2005)[DVD] |
52 | 04/12 | The Manchurian Candidate (戰略迷魂)(2004)[DVD] |
53 | 04/15 | The Family Stone (婆家就是你家)(2005)[DVD] |
54 | 04/16 | The Brothers Grimm (神鬼剋星)(2005)[DVD] |
55 | 04/19 | Danny the Dog (鬥犬)(2005)[DVD] |
56 | 04/25 | Goal! (疾風禁區)(2005)[DVD] |
57 | 04/29 | 疾走 (Dead Run)(2005) |
58 | 04/30 | Mysterious Skin (神秘肌膚)(2004) |
59 | 04/30 | Transamerica (窈窕老爸)(2005) |
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60 | 05/01 | Install (網交甜心)(2004) |
61 | 05/13 | 自由大道 Liberty Avenue(2005) |
62 | 05/13 | 海巡尖兵 The Pain of Others (2005) |
63 | 05/13 | Red Eye (赤眼玄機)(2005)[DVD] |
64 | 05/14 | Good Night, and Good Luck(晚安祝你好運)(2005) |
65 | 05/14 | Water(禍水)(2005) |
66 | 05/15 | Mission: Impossible III (不可能的任務3)(2006) |
67 | 05/20 | 南方澳海洋紀事(2005) |
68 | 05/21 | 在中寮相遇(2006) |
69 | 05/31 | The Constant Gardener(疑雲殺機)(2005)[DVD] |
70 | 05/31 | De-Lovely(搖擺情事-爵士大師柯特波爾傳)(2004)[DVD] |
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71 | 06/03 | Être et avoir(山村猶有讀書聲)(2002)[DVD] |
72 | 06/03 | Stay(離魂)(2005)[DVD] |
73 | 06/06 | Forbrydelser (In Your Hands)(愛在你手心)(2004)[DVD] |
74 | 06/11 | In Her Shoes(偷穿高跟鞋)(2005)[DVD] |
75 | 06/11 | Naken(Naked Again)(婚前興行為)(2000)[DVD] |
76 | 06/17 | Dear Frankie(來信情緣)(2004)[DVD] |
77 | 06/19 | Mar adentro(The Sea Inside)(點燃生命之海)(2004)[DVD] |
78 | 06/24 | (Yaji and Kita - The Midnight Pilgrims)(午夜駭嗑浪人)(2005) |
79 | 06/24 | L' Enfer(The Hell)(奇士勞斯基之地獄)(2005) |
80 | 06/24 | Le Confessionnal(The Confessional)(懺情記)(1995) |
81 | 06/24 | Sorstalanság(Fateless)(非關命運)(2005) |
82 | 06/25 | 看上去很美(Little Red Flowers)(2006) |
83 | 06/25 | Possible Worlds(偷腦)(2000) |
84 | 06/25 | Hold Up Down(V6衝衝衝)(2005) |
85 | 06/25 | Le Déclin de l'empire américain(The Decline of the American Empire)(美國帝國淪亡記)(1986) |
86 | 06/27 | Solntse(The Sun)(蘇古諾夫之太陽)(2005) |
87 | 06/27 | Speaking Part(念白部份)(1989) |
88 | 06/27 | Roots(冒牌家族)(2005) |
89 | 06/27 | Un zoo la nuit(Night Zoo)(夜間動物園)(1987) |
90 | 06/29 | The Adjuster(售後服務)(1991) |
91 | 06/29 | 紅顏(Dam Street)(2005) |
92 | 06/29 | Family Viewing(闔家觀賞)(1987) |
93 | 06/29 | Léolo(里歐洛)(1992) |
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94 | 07/03 | Superman Returns(超人再起)(2006) |
95 | 07/03 | Whole New Thing(愛情新鮮人)(2005) |
96 | 07/03 | Go West(西方的同話)(2005) |
97 | 07/03 | Jésus de Montréal(Jesus of Montreal)(蒙特婁的耶蘇)(1989) |
98 | 07/13 | Kammerflimmern(Off Beat)(最後一次心動 )(2004)[DVD] |
99 | 07/15 | 藍風箏(1993)[DVD?] |
100 | 07/19 | Vinci(盜走達文西)(2004)[DVD] |
101 | 07/22 | 阿修羅のごとく(宛如阿修羅)(2003)[DVD] |
102 | 07/26 | Fun with Dick and Jane (我愛上流)(2005)[DVD] |
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103 | 08/05 | Jarhead (鍋蓋頭)(2005)[DVD] |
104 | 08/06 | La Finestra di fronte (Facing Window)(外慾)(2003)[DVD] |
105 | 08/09 | North Country(北國性騷擾)(2005)[DVD] |
106 | 08/15 | Junebug (妙媳婦見公婆)(2005)[DVD] |
107 | 08/19 | Beautiful Boxer (美麗拳王)(2003)[DVD] |
108 | 08/20 | Amadeus: The Director's Cut (阿瑪迪斯:導演完整版)(1984/2001)[DVD] |
109 | 08/20 | Lady In the Water (水中的女人)(2006) |
110 | 08/26 | Grizzly Man (灰熊人)(2005) |
111 | 08/26 | Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes (天譴)(1972) (英語配音) |
112 | 08/27 | Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle(賈斯伯荷西之謎)(1974) |
113 | 08/27 | Fitzcarraldo(陸上行舟)(1982) |
114 | 08/27 | Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht(吸血鬼) (1979) |
115 | 08/30 | Stroszek (史楚錫流浪記)(1977) |
116 | 08/31 | Herz aus Glas (玻璃精靈)(1976) |
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117 | 09/03 | Mrs Henderson Presents (裸體舞台)(2005) |
118 | 09/03 | Tsotsi (黑幫暴徒)(2005) |
119 | 09/07 | ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日(ALWAYS 三丁目的夕陽)(2005)[飛機版] |
120 | 09/11 | The Secret Life of Words(秘密生活)(2005)[飛機版] |
121 | 09/13 | Såsom i en spegel (Through a Glass Darkly)(穿過黑暗的玻璃)(1961)[LD] |
122 | 09/16 | Le Dernier trappeur (最後的獵人)(2004)[DVD] |
123 | 09/21 | (The Host)(駭人怪物)(2006) |
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124 | 10/01 | Last Holiday(終極假期)(2006)[DVD] |
125 | 10/01 | V for Vendetta (V怪客)(2006)[DVD] |
126 | 10/03 | Capote (泠血告白)(2005)[DVD] |
127 | 10/10 | The Departed (神鬼無間) (2006) |
128 | 10/18 | Grbavica (旅行之歌)(2005) [DVD](和平影展) |
129 | 10/21 | Better Luck Tomorrow (火爆麻吉)(2002) |
130 | 10/22 | The Prestige (頂尖對決)(2006) |
131 | 10/28 | Va, vis et deviens (緊握生命的希望)(2005)(和平影展) |
132 | 10/28 | X-Men: The Last Stand (X戰警:最後戰役)(2006)[DVD] |
133 | 10/28 | Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room(安隆風暴) (2005)[DVD] |
134 | 10/29 | Hotel Rwanda(盧安達飯店)(2004)[DVD](和平影展) |
135 | 10/29 | Äideistä parhain (Mother of Mine)(戰場上的小人球)(2005)[DVD](和平影展) |
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136 | 11/04 | 千里走單騎(2005)[DVD] |
137 | 11/10 | En Soap(肥皂)(A Soap)(2006) |
138 | 11/10 | Kes(鷹與男孩)(1969)(金馬影展) |
139 | 11/11 | Les Amants réguliers(安那其戀人)(2005)(金馬影展) |
140 | 11/11 | J'entends plus la guitare(餘音不再)(1991)(金馬影展) |
141 | 11/15 | Iklimler(適合分手的天氣)(2006)(金馬影展) |
142 | 11/15 | Flandres(野獸邏輯)(2006)(金馬影展) |
143 | 11/15 | Liss Miss Sunshine(小太陽的心願)(2006)(金馬影展) |
144 | 11/19 | THE 有頂天ホテル(有頂天大飯店)(2006)(金馬影展) |
145 | 11/19 | Indigènes (光榮歲月)(2006)(金馬影展) |
146 | 11/19 | (Sang sattawat)(戀愛症候群)(2006)(金馬影展) |
147 | 11/22 | Cars(汽車總動員)(2006)[DVD] |
148 | 11/25 | 六個嫌疑犯(1965) |
149 | 11/25 | 王的男人(The King and the Clown)(2005)[DVD] |
150 | 11/26 | The Fountain(2006) |
151 | 11/26 | Click(命運好好玩)(2006)[DVD] |
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152 | 12/01 | Still Alive: a Film About Kieslowski(記得奇士勞斯基)(2006)(金馬影展) |
153 | 12/02 | This Film Is Not Yet Rated(本片尚未分級)(2006)(金馬影展) |
154 | 12/02 | Princess(公主追殺令)(2006)(金馬影展) |
155 | 12/03 | Daratt (雨季不再來)(Dry Season)(2006)(金馬影展) |
156 | 12/03 | Clerks II (瘋狂店員II)(2006)(金馬影展) |
157 | 12/04 | 令人討厭的松子的一生(Memories of Matsuko)(2006) |
158 | 12/06 | Glastonbury(搖滾世代)(2006)(金馬影展) |
159 | 12/07 | Punk: Attitude(龐克精神)(2005)(金馬影展) |
160 | 12/10 | The Wind That Shakes the Barley(吹動大麥的風)(2006) |
161 | 12/10 | Volver(玩美女人)(2006) |
162 | 12/16 | Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (神鬼奇航2: 加勒比海盜)(2006)[DVD] |
163 | 12/28 | Syriana(諜對諜)(2005)[DVD] |
164 | 12/28 | United 93(聯航93)(2006)[DVD] |
165 | 12/29 | The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada(馬奎斯的三場葬禮)(2005)[DVD] |
166 | 12/29 | Miami Vice(邁阿密風雲)(2006)[DVD] |
167 | 12/30 | Les Dames du Bois de Boulogne(布龍尼森林的貴婦)(1945) |
168 | 12/30 | Lancelot du Lac(武士蘭斯洛)(1974) |
169 | 12/31 | Les Anges du péché(罪惡天使)(1943) |
170 | 12/31 | Un condamné à mort s'est échappé ou Le vent souffle où il veut(死囚逃生記)(英語配音)(1956) |
171 | 12/31 | Journal d'un curé de campagne(鄉村牧師日記)(英語配音)(1951) |